The SUNWELS Basic Sustainability Policy
- “SUNWELS will continue evolving, helping to realize a society in which we can all shine.”
For years, Japan’s declining birthrate and aging population have raised concerns, and various problems, including shortfalls in medical and nursing care resources and regional disparities in medical care, remain unresolved and are expected to worsen. Beyond this, the working population that provides medical and nursing care services continues to decline. Various societal-level issues have emerged, including labor shortages and poor working conditions in the medical and nursing care fields, as well as the need for technological innovation. The last few years of the COVID-19 pandemic have thrown these challenges into sharp relief.
By developing various businesses, including PD House facilities that focus on Parkinson's disease, SUNWELS has taken on the challenge of medical and nursing care from multiple perspectives.
For those with Parkinson’s disease who are unable to live at home due to the progressive nature of this incurable disease or who are unable to obtain the special medical, rehabilitative, or 24-hour nursing care they need, we provide a place to live with peace of mind. In this way, we hope to improve the quality of life (QOL) of those living with this disease. With this goal in mind, we are working to expand our care services nationwide to all those who need them. We make every effort to make our facilities employee-friendly and capable of serving as warm, friendly, and inspiring residences for our users. By continuing to develop and expand advanced special services and improve industry working conditions, we believe we can brighten the future of both the industry’s next generation of leaders and community health care. In various targeted fields, we pursue cutting-edge research as part of joint efforts with physicians, medical institutions, and major companies across many different industries, one example being our current joint research project with Juntendo University. These activities are aimed at future collaboration between nursing care and medical care as one of our efforts to creating the nursing care services of the future. As an industry pioneer, we remain committed to promoting a sustainable society while tirelessly implementing new ways to provide better services.
Based on our management philosophy, “Let yourself shine while energizing others,” SUNWELS strives to create a vibrant society in which people live in harmony with the environment by contributing to individual lives, communities, the environment, and the nursing care industry itself.
●For those who use our services and their families, our goal is to support their dignity and capacity for joy, as well as provide continuous support based on constantly evolving services they know they can trust.
●We strive to create workplace environments in which employees can perform to the best of their abilities, accept the diversity and potential of their colleagues, and pursue co-creation through dialogue.
●We carefully and continuously review the transparency of our management and seek to disclose fair and accurate information that meets the expectations of our stakeholders.
●We're committed to energy conservation and the 3R [Reduce, Reuse, Recycle] initiatives to protect the global environment.
SDG Initiatives
- What are SDGs?
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the set of objectives adopted
at the September 2015 UN Summit as collective goals for the international
community in the 2016-2030 timeframe. They consist of 17 goals and 169 targets
intended to establish a sustainable world,based on a commitment
to leaving no one behind.

After examining the 17 goals set forth in the SDGs, SUNWELS has identified certain key issues we must address and prioritize in our business activities over the medium to long term.
- Creating the future of nursing
care and medical care

- Establishing workplaces
characterized by respect
for diversity and realizing
future potential

- Engaging in transparent
business management

- Coexisting in harmony
with the local and
natural environment

We recognize the importance not just of fulfilling our social obligations—complying with laws, regulations, and other articulated requirements—but of strengthening our corporate value by enhancing the efficiency, soundness, and transparency of our management. Based on this understanding, we have established a highly effective Audit and Supervisory Committee to ensure transparency in both management decision-making and the supervision of business activities. We strive to enhance corporate governance while engaging in appropriate and efficient management activities.
・We have established a Board of Directors to report on and supervise the implementation of business operations. We have appointed three independent outside directors to the Board of Directors to maintain high supervisory functionality. In addition to regular monthly meetings, the Board of Directors holds special meetings when needed.
・We assess the effectiveness of the Board of Directors through an annual survey-based questionnaire for directors.
・The Audit and Supervisory Committee consists of four members, including one full-time and three part-time members. In addition to holding regular monthly meetings, the Audit and Supervisory Committee holds special meetings when needed. This Committee strengthens its audit and supervisory functions in cooperation with the Internal Audit Office and the Accounting Auditor.
・We have also established a Nominating and Compensation Advisory Committee. This body will strengthen the fairness, transparency, and objectivity of procedures related to the nomination, compensation, etc., of the Board of Directors, and will function as an advisory body to the Board of Directors.
・We have formulated Risk Management Regulations and Basic Compliance Regulations and established a Risk Management and Compliance Committee to monitor the implementation of risk management and to discuss necessary measures on an ongoing basis.
・We implement quarterly evaluations to ensure employee understanding of the company's compliance obligations.
・ We have established a whistleblowing system and set up internal and external employee consultation offices where employees can easily consult with us. “Whistle-blower cards,” with the telephone number and e-mail of these offices are distributed to employees upon joining the company, and we have made every effort to simplify seeking advice from these contact points when needed.
・We seek to take a proactive and timely approach to disclosing important information, including financial information, business plans, and social impact assessments.
・We are evaluated on an ongoing basis by third-party assessment organizations, including audits undertaken by an audit firm in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law.
・We are strengthening security measures against leaks of personal information, and have containment measures in place to mitigate the consequences of any such security breach.
・We have implemented various security software measures to prevent leaks of customer information due to ransomware, Emotet, and other malware.
・Two-step authentication was applied to our nursing care records software.

We believe creating workplaces that harness individuality and diversity will strengthen the capabilities of the entire organization, and we are committed to creating employee-friendly workplaces and environments based on open dialogue. As an industry pioneer, we're expanding nationwide to provide medical infrastructure, including for rural regions, with the aim of providing access to standard medical care for those who currently lack it, thereby promoting sustainable social value.
・Across Japan, our PD House facilities specializing in Parkinson's disease provide the following three services to individuals with this progressive, incurable disease:
◇Providing places to receive the special neurological care otherwise unavailable to those living outside major cities
◇Providing places to access specialist-supervised rehabilitation programs specific to Parkinson's disease on a daily basis
◇Providing environments with 24-hour access to home nursing and medication management
・To recruit highly knowledgeable professionals, we provide employees with excellent working conditions and compensation.
・We strive to improve the knowledge and skills of our employees through regular seminars led by associate professors and other expert faculty at the Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine.
・The nationwide expansion of our PD House facilities creates employment opportunities in the communities where they open.
・We conduct regular employee interviews and employee surveys.
・We emphasize the work-life balance of our employees and constantly seek to improve compensation, increase the number of days off, and expand benefits packages.
・We conduct employee satisfaction surveys every six months to identify issues and develop measures to minimize turnover.
・We seek to contribute to progress in the treatment of Parkinson's disease through joint research efforts with university hospitals and hospitals specializing in the disease.
・We contribute to the development of care services in general by transforming the clinical insight gained from our facility operations into technological developments.
We believe any thinking on the future of nursing care services must be predicated on the future of all humankind. Based on this belief, we closely monitor the living and working environments of our customers, business partners, employees, and shareholders, and consider the future of society as a whole as members of the global community, and engage in multifaceted efforts to address environmental issues. To achieve the government’s goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, we are seeking to achieve steady reductions in CO2 emissions, and to that end are currently taking action to mitigate our emissions to the extent possible.
・Our facilities are being converted to LED lighting (by May 2023).
・Introduction of solar power systems is planned (for fall, 2023).
・We calculate GHG emissions and continuously examine CO2 emissions reduction measures based on actual data.
・We are currently transitioning to a paperless environment based on cloud computing.
・We help reduce CO2 emissions through use of garbage bags made of 99% recycled materials.